DAM: Shooting Starr's Stormy Sky "Skylar"
Owner James Rieser DVM
Born 69/2011
Hip Preliminary Good
Eyes Normal
WEIGHT 42 lbs.
NAVHDA Natural Ability Prize III,
Skylar is a young, full of life, female that represents nine generations of the Shooting Starr breeding program. She is hunted by our son James. Skylar has high desire, a great nose, is a natural retriever, and is a bold water dog. She is very much like her mother, Jetta. Skylar has an older brother with a NAVHDA UT I and many older siblings with NA I. She is one of four puppies out of Jetta and Ozzie that my son and I have kept for our personal gun dogs.
The Skylar and Milo combination is a line-bred Jordan litter with 10 generations and 33 years of hunting and testing Shooting Starr dogs in the pedigree. We expect this to be an awesome litter!
Due June 15, 2013
Sire: VC Shooting Starr's Gen. Milo MH "Milo"
Don Olszewski,( NAVHDA Senior Judge, AKC Hunt Test Judge)
Born 2/23/2003
OFA Excellent
Eyes Normal
WEIGHT 62 lbs.
NAVHDA Natural Ability Prize NAVHDA Utility Prize I
NAVHDA Versatile Champion 192 pts
Milo represents seven generations of NAVHDA tested dogs. He has a high level of desire and cooperation combined with an excellent temperament and disposition. Milo is an excellent upland and waterfowl hunter. A stylish point, natural retrieving, and powerful water search make him a joy to hunt with. He has hunted ducks, quail, pheasant, grouse throughout several states including Wisconsin, North Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.
Brad - Male