Our present breeding females are all sisters, “ The Pointer Sisters,” They are all OFA Good, eyes normal, and coat medium harsh & dense, They are 45# - 48#. Their coloring is liver, white & hot ticked. All have been hunted in Kansas, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin for a wide variety of game birds including pheasants, quail, prairie chickens, ruffed grouse, woodcock, sharp tails, ducks and geese. Hunting photos of “The Pointer Sisters” (Rainy Indy and Skylar) will be added to the website.
Son, James, and I have been very pleased with these girls which represent 9 generations of NAVHDA & AKC Testing. We are accepting deposits with a few already received for 2014. In the future we will only be breeding if people are still interested in the Shooting Starr line. We hope these dogs will be tested in NAVHDA so that we can continue to evaluate the success of the breeding program. Shooting Starr’s GSP’s is a NAVHDA protected kennel name with over 50 Breeder Awards earned. We are also an AKC Breeder of Merit Kennel. Thank you for your interest in our Shooting Starr dogs.
